
Early retirement
Why did you say yes to this campaign? What was your WHY to participate?
I love and promote the process of natural aging. I am concerned about the impact of body imaging on all ages of women today. A woman who ages naturally with grace is beautiful. I always wanted to do a photo shoot but never focused on myself in that way.
Tell me a little about you and your story:
I am widowed for 10 years and have two adult children – a boy and a girl. I have worked full-time in global roles within corporate organizations my entire career in HR consultancy and for the past 22 years with a US IT multinational. It was a busy life with full-time work, growing children, and international travel.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I am aging well and am proud of this.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Strong, compassionate and still looking to have fun in life.
Do you feel like you have changed since turning 60?
Since turning 60, the older you get the less you care about what others think. Career defines a lot of your behaviour and personality. That said, I always kept my own counsel at work and did not sell my soul to it. Since turning 60, I am looking to do all those things that I never had time for previously – this photoshoot is one of them.
What advice would you give to your younger self about caring for yourself?
Take more time to do the things you want to do and that make you happy. Don’t always be too busy!
What do you consider self-love?
Being kind to yourself, taking care of your mind and body. Give yourself credit for what you have achieved.
What do you love most about your new portraits? Is there something new you discovered about yourself?
I love that I am relaxed in front of the camera as I normally do not like to be photographed. Therefore, because I am relaxed, I could let natural expressions come through.
What was your favourite part of working with me?
Your instructions during the photoshoot were clear & precise. You instilled confidence in me to follow through with poses and in particular with smiling for the camera. You were gentle in your instructions and built my confidence as the shoot progressed.