
Financial Advisor
Why did you say yes to this campaign? What was your WHY to participate?
I liked the other portraits you shared and thought I would like to do that for myself. Why – because I am worth it, and why not spend some money on something that will make me feel good about myself?
Tell me a little about you and your story:
I am a divorced mother of four grown up children, two boys and two girls. They are all doing well, and have their own busy lives. I am living on my own for 10 years, and I have two cats. I work in financial services 4 days per week. I love my job, and hope to continue to work into the future if I have the health to do so. I am an independent person, and have survived financially on my own since the marriage broke up. I like to socialise and keep up with the changes in the world, and technology in so far as I can. It is important to me to be productive, and contribute to society, I do some community work in my local area where I live, I am the secretary of the local festival which takes place annually in July. I enjoy a game of golf with my friends, it is more a social outlet than a competitive thing for me.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
I see a woman who has weathered the years quite well, but is overweight and would like to change that for health reasons.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Optimistic, caring, independent.
Do you feel like you have changed since turning 60?
Yes, I think I have definitely changed in the last 5 years, and since my 60th birthday. What I wanted in life then has changed, and I have revised what I want from the rest of my life since then.
What advice would you give to your younger self about caring for yourself?
Look after yourself, be kind to you, give time to you, because if you don’t look after yourself first you cannot give of yourself to others in a nurturing loving and empathetic manner.
What do you consider self-love?
Take time out of your day, to do something regenerating , relaxing, or whatever is your desire for yourself.
What do you love most about your new portraits? Is there something new you discovered about yourself?
I love how they all look different, in a charming way. I keep thinking I know this woman, who is she? I have rediscovered a part of my inner self that allows me to really appreciate myself again, and say WOW ! What a beautiful person I am.
It has given me back my inner confidence and self-esteem, which was there under the surface but had become somewhat dormant.
What was your favourite part of working with me?
I had no idea how wonderful the experience would be, Olga is a unique artist, she brings out the very best in her subjects, the results are stunning. She works diligently and quietly with her clients while making them feel completely at ease in her studio, I would wholeheartedly recommend any woman to take time out for herself, and do something she would never ordinarily consider. This whole experience has energized my life, and I now feel ready to give of myself more energetically to others.
My favourite part of the experience was seeing the results, they were unbelievable….