
Childcare provider
Why did you say yes to this campaign? What was your WHY to participate?
This was an opportunity for me to do something for myself and also something very far outside my comfort zone.
Tell me a little about you and your story:
I am entering a new stage in my life. My children are grown up now and have left home and I have reduced my working hours. I have been coping with illness and weight gain for the last 16 years and have recently begun to feel better. I am looking forward to having more time for myself, renewing friendships, revisiting hobbies and walking my dogs.
What do you see when you look in the mirror?
This is something I avoid if possible. When I do look, I see a woman who is starting to find herself again.
Describe yourself in 3 words:
Kind, focused, grateful.
Do you feel like you have changed since turning 50?
Yes, as I have gotten older, I realize that the relationships in my life are what’s most important. I worry less about what others think of me.
What advice would you give to your younger self about caring for yourself?
Always make a little time for yourself.
What do you consider self-love?
Taking care of myself.
What do you love most about your new portraits? Is there something new you discovered about yourself?
I love seeing myself through your eyes, seeing the portraits has given me a new confidence in myself.
What was your favourite part of working with me?
My favourite part of working with you was the whole experience. I placed myself in your hands and felt safe throughout the process. The experience was far outside my comfort zone but you guided and supported me at each step and I have lovely memories as well as beautiful portraits to cherish.